For granted

The rain started gently, slowly and it was welcomed as the humidity was high and we looked forward to the rain for some respite from the heat. I was on the phone and did not give the rain much of a thought but I decided to unplug the television based on past experience of lightening damaging electrical appliances.  However, within a few minutes, the dynamics changed with lightening followed swiftly by thunder. Suddenly the room brightened up from the lightening; there was a massive thunder and everything went black and silent. The extent of the damage was only discovered the next day. Garage doors, alarm system, TV, lights and internet were all blown away by the thunder. Needless to complain about the cost in cash and kind to effect repairs.  The experience taught me to appreciate what I have and take nothing for granted.

Of all the systems grounded by the thunderstorm, I would say the internet affected me the most. We use the Wi-Fi for the TV, the phones and of course, the computers. I am used to having the Wi-Fi there - to make WhatsApp calls, to do quick research on Google, check out a book or recipe – the list is endless.  I am so used to it that it is one of those things I just take for granted. It is there in the background, unnoticed and unacknowledged so far it is working well. It gets noticed when it is not working well. The loss of the Wi-Fi connection was a rude shock. I was shocked to realise how much I depended on it. Then, the truth of the matter hit me. It hit me that often that is the way we treat people.

There are people in our lives who silently enhance the quality of our lives but they are hardly noticed or given recognition for being who they are or what they do. The cleaners, the tea people, the office managers who ensure that everything is always in place, the gardener, our house helps, our teachers, our pastors -  the list is endless – are all people we cannot afford to take for granted. True, we may pay them for the job they do, but we need to give praise when praise is due.    

Consider also how some children act up just to get noticed. When parents fail to acknowledge and reward good behaviour and only become involved and available when their children misbehave, this is a guarantee that they will keep misbehaving as it gets them the attention they need.
This holiday season, let’s take time out to actually notice the people around us and acknowledge them. Acknowledgment can be in several ways from cash to kind. For our family members, time is the most valuable currency we can spend. Spend lavishly. Your words can be used to affirm. Use them constructively.

So to all those people in my life, you are appreciated, acknowledged and definitely not taken for granted. Don’t disappear or act-up. I need you to stay just the way you are.

I Bi Dem.  


  1. God bless your soul for this beautiful piece. So real and true to life. 'Appreciate you lots too. Thank you for being a blessing in so many ways!'Love as we enjoy the month of His birth and beyond IJN! ❤️

  2. This is very important ma and thank God for the wisdom he gave you to put this together we over look so many things but there are lessons to learn from it
    More of God's wisdom upon your life and we appreciate you alot


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