
I can’t remember the number of times I have had to stand before a closed store with a ‘closed for stock-taking’ sign. The sign is very annoying especially when I urgently need the item in question. Sometimes I wonder why they have to do the stock-taking during the business hours when they could be making money. Over time I have come to accept and even understand how important it is, as much as it disrupts my shopping plan. I realise that they need to update records; know what has been sold, what is left, what products need to be bought to restock the store and of course the profit or loss made. Without proper stock-taking, a store will have no idea how it is faring and may soon have to close down. The same principle of stock-taking should apply in our lives as well. There is a need to take stock of how we are faring in different areas of our lives. We need to take time to look at our lives dispassionately and ask some pertinent questions. Personal stock-taking, like that of the store involves many processes. It should involve all areas of our lives, reflect on the past, and plan for the future.

Imagine taking stock of only one section of a store and leaving the others unattended to. That definitely will not be a concise exercise or achieve the intended goals. A proper stock-taking should take into account all areas of our lives. A person is multifaceted with different layers. Stock-taking should take place on all the different levels. All the different levels can be broadly divided into three, namely God, others and me. Each of the three groups may be further divided into several areas like relationships, career, finance, spiritual and personal well-being just to mention a few. It is a wise thing to take stock of all the different sections, not leaving any out.

Also, an important thing to consider in personal stock-taking is the type of questions to be asked concerning the different layers of our lives. The Psalmist in Psalm 90:12 prayed that the Lord will teach us to number our days, so we may apply our hearts to wisdom. It is wise to take into account how we are getting on in life. Questions are important as they may determine the type of answers received. Questions to reveal both achievements and failures must be asked; after all, the essence is to learn from the process. Not learning from the past is mere folly. So the first set of questions we need to ask ourselves are: what did I do right and what did I do wrong. We need to take ownership our mistakes and achievements. Failing to face our mistakes denies us the opportunity to learn from them. And yes, take time to celebrate the achievements too.

The second set of question leads to the third point to consider –the future plan. There is need to ask, what do I learn from the process and what do I do in the future. The ultimate goal of a store stock-taking is to reequip the store, to make it better than before and so it is for a personal stock-taking. It is of utmost importance to ask what can be improved on. When all is said and done, commit all to God. Come to Him before you begin the process, that He will guide your thoughts and give Him your future plans. We will be wise to take the advice in Psalm 37: 5 to heart.

There is no better time in the year to take stock than towards the end of one year and the beginning of another. It is the perfect time to reflect on the past in all areas of our lives and plan actively for the future. I leave you with the blessing in Psalm 20: 4 – may the Lord grant you the desires of your heart and make all your plans succeed.

Get stock-taking!

I Bi Dem


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. As always, good write up ma. Stock taking is definitely a very important aspect of human lives. Without this action, most people become mentally and physically drained with no clue to how they got there. Amen to your prayer!


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