So far ... getting lighter

I am happy to inform you that I am one kilogram lighter than I was last month. The huffing and puffing is beginning to pay off. I have not lost as much as I would, but I am definitely not where I was before I started this journey.  I counted at least 10,000 steps everyday. Some days I had the required number before noon and I struggled on other days, but I did not miss a single day in one month.

I began walking around the neighborhood and I was delighted to meet many people along the way. People are becoming more health conscious. I saw young and old, men and women a whole family, couples, and singles. What a delight!

The weight I have lost is not apparent physically, but it is a boost to my mental wellbeing. Thank you for your comments and advice. I hope that you have been able to pick one or two tips from the comment section. I have concluded from the comments and my own experience that it is important to exercise consistently, eat right, drink a lot of water, sleep well and have others join in with you if possible.  

Exercise consistently: it is important to exercise not just to lose weight but to keep health. I see so many adverts that promote losing weight without exercising but taking that miracle pill or this wonderful drink or soup. While these may work as advertised, the question of how long such weight loss will last is left unanswered. I think it is best to lose weight gradually through a lifestyle change. Find a routine that agree with you and stick with it for desired effect.

Here are links to some exercises that I do; you may find them useful. They are mainly for the belly. I seem to be pilling the fat there and I have learnt that that is dangerous fat.

Eat right: simple common sense should tell us that healthy living begins with healthy eating. You cannot eat unhealthy types and portion sizes and expect that your body will not revolt. There are so many types of diets and a little research may be needed to choose what is best for you.  For me, this is what a healthy plate should look like:

I believe we should take Apostle Paul’s advice to heart. He said in 1 Corinthians 6:12 that, “All things are lawful for me,” but not all things are helpful. “All things are lawful for me,” but I will not be enslaved by anything”. The keyword here is discipline.  Discipline your mouth; not just in speaking but also with eating. Our mouths may literally be the death of us if we do not keep it under control.

We should also take time to plan our meals. We eat better if we take time to plan what we will eat before we get hungry. I have a tendency to eat more and anything at hand if I get hungry before I start preparing my meals

Drink a lot of water: we are expected to drink at least 2 litres of water every day.  It seems easy enough until it is time for its execution. Many find the taste of water unbearable and would rather drink juice or carbonated beverage. If you find water distasteful, try spicing it up with lemon and mint if available. I also like adding honey to it.  It is so difficult to keep up with the quantity you have to drink each day, try using an app to keep you accountable.

 Sleep well: I found that exercising or eating right is more difficult when I do not sleep well. We are advised to get 7 -8 hours of uninterrupted sleep every night. Few of us do and our crazy lifestyles leave us too exhausted to really care for our bodies.

Good news! There is an alternative to the dreaded BMI. Check it out in the link below and let me know what you think.

 Have a wonderful week. Stay healthy and energized.

I BI Dem




  1. Thanks for the YouTube links. I align too, that ‘slow and steady’ wins the race. :) Congratulations on your weight loss journey. ‘Looking forward to celebrating each additional kilo lost. ‘Bless you always.

  2. Hmm, this is well said. I am also putting in a lot of efforts to loose weight and the result is encouraging.

  3. Thank you ma for sharing. I celebrate the results of your discipline and effort.

    Healthy eating and taking a walk has really contributed to my weight loss as well. Not to leave out fasting as well. Results are becoming evident and I am jogging along with it. Not in a hurry but overtime as stated results will become more visible.

    Thank you ma the links shared. Keep winning.

  4. Thank you so much ma for sharing. It really helped me as well, even though i don't have much time to do exercises but drinking a lot of water and eating nicely is really helping, also doing some light exercise. Thank you ma much appreciated.

  5. That was very nice and encouraging ma. Thanks for sharing ma. I will also try to work on my tommy as well.

  6. Well said ma. One can get a two liters bottle water and fill it up. One can carry it about cis ut is handy. This is make it easy do.


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