The lockdown is still effective in several
places. I appreciate all those at the forefront of fighting the virus and
making life bearable for us during these difficult times. May the Lord continue
to protect them. The call is for all not involved in essential services to stay
at home, self-isolate and practice social distancing, but this is not possible
for some people due to socioeconomic reasons. Some rely on daily sales to meet
their needs while others live in densely populated areas where social
distancing is simply impossible. Let’s be involved in alleviating the suffering
in our different communities in any way we can. God bless you as you do so.
One thing that seems to be a positive
in all this mayhem is the fact that families get to spend time together. Perhaps
for the first time in long time, some children are able to have five minute
conversations with their parents and husbands and wives get to spend time together.
The lockdown provides a good opportunity to bond. It should be a time of
reflection, quality stock-taking and re-strategizing for life after the
lockdown. Our time in lockdown with family members will be worth it if there is
good communication
I love to sit or lie on the sofa
watching movies. I love those romantic ones with happy endings. There are too
many sad stories in the real life and I feel that I don’t need them in the
world of make-believe. I often get agitated when lovers assume they know
answers to questions they did not ask. They often look at situations and conclude
matters. The problem is that they often arrive at wrong conclusions. And even
when they reach the right ones, it still helps to talk about them.
I sometimes find myself shouting at
the characters, ‘Ask, just ask!’ Sometimes they actually listen to me and oh
what joy! But other times, those assumptions are manipulated by others to wreck
relations. I believe the script writers just do that to introduce new
conflicts. If only those characters would listen to well-meaning individuals
like me telling them not to assume but rather seek the truth.
I would like to believe that some assumptions
only occur in films to create tension and have a beautiful plot, but alas it is
the hallmark of our relationships. We speak and take actions based on our
perceived conceptions of things. Again, I ask, ‘why not just ask questions
before you conclude? Just ask!’ But we
refuse to ask because of our lack of trust, anger and deep rooted cultural
beliefs and practice.
The lockdown will be a lovely time to
look before you leap. Don’t jump to conclusions; don't assume. You don't want to ruin what should
otherwise be a beautiful bonding time.
Stay Safe. Stay blessed.
I Bi Dem
It is really a time to bond and reflect, we give God the glory . Thank you ma.
ReplyDeleteI so feel you...especially Hallmark movies for me. Why can't it be all smooth without introducing a conflict before a final 'make up' LOL