Happy Women's Day
As the week of Women's Day comes to an end today, let me say Happy Women’s Day to you beautiful ladies. It should be celebrated every day because each new day is a new challenge to conquer, and I dare say that we are doing it well in spite of circumstances militating against us individually and collectively on so many levels. These circumstances come in all shades and often defy explanation to others, but we keep at it day by day and we emerge stronger than before on the other side of the tunnel. As the week-long festivities of the Women’s Day comes to and end, let’s talk about our need to partner up. We need to encourage ourselves - to say to other women around us, 'come on, you can do it!' At the end of the day, we are all better for it. I can't say enough about the ministry of an encourager. We need to leave behind the days of antagonising other women in a bid to curry favour from men. When we talk about relationship problems tearing women apart, if we look lon...