The Married Single Parent (2)
Hello everyone. I hope you all had a lovely week. Thank you for your comments after reading the posts. If you haven't been doing so, please do comment. It gives us an opportunity to explore issues further. So last week we looked at the issue of being a married single parent and its inherent problems and I promised that we will explore solutions or ways to navigate this special terrain of marriage and parenthood. As complicated as the problem may be, I believe the solution may be simpler than we think. The keys, I believe, are commitment, communication and perseverance. With these in place any marriage should stand the test of time. A relationship is like a plant that requires tending from time to time. Marriage is for the long haul which can't be achieved without perseverance. The extent to which spouses are committed to marriage will determine the level of investment they put into it. Yes, marriage like any investment requires careful planning especially when couples l...